Library Use
The school library is a place for serious research and study. Consequently, an atmosphere of peace and quiet should pervade this area at all times.
No student who has a scheduled class should be found in the library, unless permitted to go there by the subject teacher.
ANY COMMUNICATION between two (2) students or a group of students should be done in muted tones so that no disturbance is caused to other students in the vicinity.
No more than thirty (35) students should be accommodated in the library at any given time.
No books, magazines, newspapers or other material should be taken from the library except with the expressed permission of the librarian and according to the rules for lending.
A student’s bag should be left at the door of the library and retrieved when the student is on the way out.
A student who talks loudly or causes any disturbance in the library is liable to be put out.
Any student committing the above offence would be banned from the library for a period of one (1) month, or for the rest of the term, whichever is shorter.
The Principal reserves the right to ban any student from the library for a stipulated period if in his/her judgement the student displays disruptive behaviour.
Students are required to observe the above rules at all times. Furthermore it is incumbent on the Librarian to enforce the rules and ensure that there is an atmosphere of peace and tranquility at all times.
Damage to any books, or the defacing of the library furniture will result in offenders being banned from the library for a stipulated period. Any student guilty of the above offences must provide compensation or restore the property.