Code of Conduct
In general, the aim of this code is to ensure that the school is a safe and pleasant place in which learning takes place, that the property and reputation of the school is protected and that students develop self-discipline and consideration for others.
While this document is primarily concerned with disciplinary procedures, it is recognised that the student conduct is also influenced by other aspects of the school program, such as the quality and appropriateness of curriculum, the opportunities provided for student leadership, the positive reinforcement given to students and the availability of welfare services.
Rights and Responsibilities
Principal and staff have a responsibility to
implement the Code of Conduct fairly, reasonably and consistently.
Teachers have a right to
expect the co-operation of students,
expect that they will be able to teach in an orderly and co-operative environment
expect the support of other staff and the administration in fulfilling their professional duties,
maintain flexibility in their approach to classroom procedures and organisation within the framework of school policy.
Teachers have a responsibility to
treat students fairly and consistently
provide an appropriate range of learning strategies
undertake the counselling of students and pastoral role when appropriate
develop in students an awareness and understanding of school rules
follow the agreed policies and procedures of the school regarding student management
communicate with parents and guardians on matters relating to the educational development and behaviour of their children
Students have a right to
feel safe within the school
learn in a challenging environment to the best of their ability
be treated with respect by other students and teachers
be listened to
Students have a responsibility to
accept school policies regarding behaviour
act and work co-operatively with other students and teachers
respect the learning needs of other students
take progressive responsibility for their own learning
to work consistently and complete tasks as required
be tolerant of differences,be punctual and regular in attendance
inform parents of educational progress and to ensure that all school communication is effectively delivered
Parents/guardians have a right to
expect that their children can interact and learn in a secure environment
be informed of matters regarding their children
be involved in developing strategies for student behaviour
Parents/guardians have a responsibility to
encourage children to observe school rules
work co-operatively with the school to solve problems
provide support for teachers in implementing the code of conduct
communicate relevant information and concerns to the school
Responsibilities of students
Students have a responsibility:
to uphold the reputation of the school by observing an appropriate standard of behaviour in transit to and from the school and when wearing school uniform.
to accept the authority of members of staff and observe specific rules which may be made from time to time.
to behave in a manner which does not endanger the health and safety of themselves or others.
to behave with courtesy and consideration for others. In particular, students must refrain from all forms of bullying and harassment.
to refrain from behaviour which would interrupt the work of any class or hinder the learning opportunities of other students.
to respect school property and the property of staff and other students.
to be punctual and attend all classes.
to remain in the school grounds during the school day.
to complete work set by teachers promptly and to the best of their ability and to take full advantage of the educational opportunities offered at the school.
to dress neatly and with due regard for health, hygiene and safety.
students must wear the approved uniform.
students are not permitted to possess or smoke cigarettes, possess or use or be under the influence of alcohol or unprescribed drugs or other substances harmful to health, at school, on school excursions, in transit between school and home or otherwise while wearing school uniform.
Student Regulations
Students are expected to behave with courtesy and consideration for others. Violence, bullying, verbal intimidation and offensive behaviour are not acceptable, and students are expected to behave in a manner consistent with safety and to avoid such practices as running in the corridors or throwing missiles. Students are not permitted to bring weapons or dangerous objects or materials to school.
Use of Buildings
For safety reasons students should closely observe the following:
No running in corridors, through doorways, classrooms or up and down stairways.
At no time are students to be in the Food Lab, IT Lab, Science Labs, Library, VAPA Room, unless accompanied by a teacher.
Students are strongly advised not to leave any valuable property in school bags, in the classroom at any time.
Students ar strongly advised not to deface school property.
Library Use
Library (Policy):
The school library is a place for serious research and study. Consequently, an atmosphere of peace and quiet should pervade this area at all times.
No student who has a scheduled class should be found in the library, unless permitted to go there by the subject teacher.
ANY COMMUNICATION between two (2) students or a group of students should be done in muted tones so that no disturbance is caused to other students in the vicinity.
No more than thirty (35) students should be accommodated in the library at any given time.
No books, magazines, newspapers or other material should be taken from the library except with the expressed permission of the librarian and according to the rules for lending.
A student’s bag should be left at the door of the library and retrieved when the student is on the way out.
Library (Discipline):
A student who talks loudly or causes any disturbance in the library is liable to be put out.
Any student committing the above offence would be banned from the library for a period of one (1) month, or for the rest of the term, whichever is shorter.
The Principal reserves the right to ban any student from the library for a stipulated period if in his/her judgement the student displays disruptive behaviour.
Students are required to observe the above rules at all times. Furthermore it is incumbent on the Librarian to enforce the rules and ensure that there is an atmosphere of peace and tranquility at all times.
Damage to any books, or the defacing of the library furniture will result in offenders being banned from the library for a stipulated period. Any student guilty of the above offences must provide compensation or restore the property.
Students shall be punctual and shall attend all classes.
Students who are absent from school must provide written explanations from their parents or guardians on the day of return. (Parents are required to inform the school as soon as possible if the student will be absent for more than two consecutive days.)
Students shall not leave the school grounds during the day except on official school excursions, unless they obtain a leave pass from the Principal or Vice Principal and sign the early leavers’ book.
Students, who wish to leave a class for a purpose such as going to the toilet, library or office, require written permission from their teacher.
Examination Guidelines:
Test Rules & Instructions
All school rules must be observed throughout the entire test.
Students are required to bring their own writing and mathematical instruments. No borrowing, lending or exchange of any materials is allowed during the Test.
Absentees must produce original medical certificates from approved clinics or hospitals. No parents’ letter will be accepted. Students who are absent without valid reasons will be given a “0” for the paper.
A student will be given “0” if he or she is caught cheating in the Common Test.
No mobile phones or electronic gadgets that can store, transmit, receive data or information are allowed.
Students must not talk, whisper, do hand signal or any other form of verbal or non-verbal communication during the Common Test. Such actions will be considered as having the intention to cheat.
Students must be seated at their assigned desks by 8.15am.
Students who are late will not be given extra time.
Only essential writing materials are allowed on the student’s desk. All bags, books and any unauthorized materials should be left at the front of the classroom.
During the Test
Students are to follow any instructions given by the invigilators and instructions stated on the question paper. Failure to follow instructions stated on the question paper or given by the invigilators may lead to students being penalised.
Students are advised that good time management is essential. They should not spend too much time on few questions and leave no time for others.
Students are advised to read the questions carefully. No marks are awarded for information not asked for in the questions.
Students should write their answers legibly in black or blue ink. Pens or pencils of other colours may be used for maps and diagrams only.
If a student or group of students is smoking, it is the responsibility of the other students to dissuade that student or to walk away. Any student in the company of a smoker will be deemed to be smoking.
Action which may be taken where the Code of Conduct is breached
Wherever possible, action will be taken to assist the student to achieve self-discipline and to assist with problems which may underlie the unacceptable behaviour. Where appropriate, action will be taken as a direct consequence of the misbehaviour; for example, persistent misbehaviour in a class may lead to withdrawal from the class.
In general, teachers will deal with instances of unacceptable behaviour in the classroom. The Principal and Vice Principal will exercise an overview of the discipline of the school as a whole and may be referred to in the most serious cases of misconduct.
Action to be taken following breaches of school rules may include:
discussion with student, advice to or discussion with parents, reference to guidance personnel, etc. It is school policy to advise parents of all serious or persistent breaches of school rules.
detention, and the imposition of tasks which will benefit the school. Detentions may be given for up to half of any break period.
taking a student out of a school activity or situation; for example, withdrawal from class, exclusion from field trips, co-curricular activities or restriction of a student to certain parts of the school grounds.
reparation - the student may be required to make good some damage, clear up a mess which has been made, etc. When it can be established that damage has been caused by one or more individual students, the Principal may bill the parent/guardian for all or part of the full cost of the repairs, depending on whether the student’s actions were malicious, negligent or careless.
suspension from school.
Grounds for suspension
A student may, by order of the Principal, be suspended if, whilst attending school or travelling directly to or from school or engaged in any school activity away from the school, including travel organised by the school, the student:
behaves in such a way as to constitute a danger to the health of any staff member, student or any other person assisting in the conduct of school activities; or
commits an act of significant violence or causes significant damage or destruction to property, or is knowingly involved in the theft of property; orpossesses, uses, or
deliberately assists others to use illegal drugs or prohibited substances; or
fails to comply with any reasonable and clearly communicated instruction of a Principal or teacher; or
consistently behaves in a manner that interferes with the educational opportunities of any other student or students; or
behaves in a way which threatens the good order of the school’s program or facility; or
engages in unacceptable discriminatory behaviour (including harassment) towards another person based on sex, race (including colour, nationality and ethnic or national origin), marital status, the status or condition of being a parent, the status or condition of being childless, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or physical or mental disability or impairment.
Cases involving alcohol or unprescribed drugs will be dealt with on an individual basis. Counselling will be offered to students but immediate penalties may include suspension or expulsion.
Technology Device Policy
In light of the inappropriate use of technological devices by our students, it has become necessary to remind you of our school policy regarding cell phones. This is in accordance with a directive from the Ministry of Education (Circular Memorandum No. 25 of 2015).
Your child / ward is allowed to have a device under the condition that it used under the supervision of a teacher.
If at any time a cell phone is used inappropriately, the following course of action will be taken:
1st offence: The phone will be seized immediately and returned to the child at the end of the school day. The infraction will be recorded and your child will be asked to sign the entry.
2nd offence: The phone will be seized immediately and returned to the parent / guardian with yet another warning. The infraction will again be recorded and the parent/ guardian will be asked to sign as having seen the entry.
3rd offence: The phone will be seized immediately and returned to the parent / guardian and the child will be SUSPENDED for GROSS MISCONDUCT arising out of DISREGARD for school policy.
Be advised that should your child / ward need to contact you in the event of an emergency, he/ she MUST use the school’s telephone.
Discipline procedures
Procedures Within the Classroom
Teachers are strongly advised to give students a clear statement of their expectations concerning classroom behaviour, and to demand high standards of behaviour from students at all times.
Action which may be taken by classroom teachers includes reprimands, warnings and isolation of students within the classroom, detentions organised by the teacher or extra work. Classroom teachers may wish to contact parents directly.
Students may be sent out of the room for brief periods of time if the teacher can exercise appropriate supervision. For more serious misconduct the student should be sent to the Principal or Vice Principal. Where possible, a note should be sent with another (reliable) student with a brief account of the misconduct.
Senior Teachers and other relevant staff may be asked to give advice concerning appropriate classroom strategies.
Incident Report
Where a student is referred to the Principal or Vice Principal, an Incident Report must be completed. Blank forms are located in the Office. The report is completed and placed in the students file. This is important in enabling the school to build up records of students who may require action such as suspension or expulsion.
Teachers who wish to use detention to deal with classroom misconduct are expected to make their own arrangements.
Sanctions available to teachers:
Discussion with student.
Discussion with parents.
In some cases, referral to the school counsellor.
Removal from particular classes, or all classes for periods of time.
Suspension. (with the agreement of the Principal)
Intervention by the Ministry of Education. (with the agreement of the Principal)
Law Enforcement. (with the agreement of the Principal)