Prevention & Control
Guidelines For Dealing With A Suspected COVID-19 Cases
The following is an outlined course of action to be taken by personnel in relation to any reports of suspected COVID 19 Case. This guide in consultation with the respective County Medical Officer of Health, is to be used for any such cases that arise.
On identifying an ill person, the teacher/ staff immediately alerts the Principal/Supervisor and where applicable the Health & Safety Officer to have the person removed to the Isolation Area/Room (Auditorium).
Next of Kin is alerted and instructed to come to attend to their relative. i.e., to take the ill person to the nearest medical facility for urgent assessment.
Principal informs the Unit (Nursing Staff who immediately updates the Education House Officer) & School Supervisor of the suspected case/ case of an ill person on the compound or related to the functions of the institution. This includes persons who may not have been present at school but have any medical concern (e.g., having been a primary contact but asymptomatic and required to quarantine), requiring them to receive a "fit to return".
The Education House Officer alerts the CMOH or, the School Supervisor alerts the CMOH/CMOH Office of the case after consultation with the Education House Officer.
CMOH alerts his staff to expedite the process for the presenting case should it result in the need for a COVID Swab to be performed.
Principal and the Permanent Secretary of the MOE alerted by the EDHU of the need for sanitation based on the degree of threat. The degree of threat is agreed upon between the CMOH & Education House Officer on assessing the details of the case. The degree of threat would also determine the need for closure of the school vs closure of the area the primary case was exposed to. Ongoing communication occurs between the unit, principal, CMOH surveillance team and parents or persons involved to keep up to date with all progress. The EDHU simultaneously keeps the Permanent Secretary informed of the pertinent details of the case as it unfolds.
District Nurse collects data for contact tracing and liaises with surveillance team at CMOH. District Nurse follows up on the case and reports a detailed summary along with the weekly report. All results are confirmed, and details conveyed to Education House Officer who reports each update to the Chief Education Officer and Permanent Secretary of The Ministry of Education.
Re-entry is as guided by the County Medical Officer of Health for the respective case and is determined on a case-by-case basis, after risk assessment is completed by the EDHU.
Procedure for Dealing with Positive COVID-19 Cases or Symptoms
The EDHSU is the liaison between the school and the health institutions to ensure prompt response to any COVID-19 related emergency.
Schools must follow specific protocols in the event of staff or students who:
Develop Flu-like symptoms on the compound
Test positive of COVID-19.
Are identified as primary contacts of a person testing positive for COVID-19.
Being screened by EDHSU at the level of the district to re-enter the school after suspected/confirmed to have contracted COVID-19.
The following protocols should be observed:
Students who develop flu like symptoms while on the compound should be directed to the designated quarantine area. These students must be identified to the principal by teachers, health and safety officers, security officers or staff. The parent and EDHSU must be immediately contacted. Parents will be asked to take the student out of school and seek medical attention at the nearest public health facility or at a designated rapid test laboratory. Prior to re-entry the student must be screened by the EDHSU. If a staff member develops flu-like symptoms, he/she must alert the principal or Crisis Management Team, seek medical attention, and follow established protocol for re-entry.
If the school is informed:
by the CMOH that a member of the school population, who has been physically reporting for duty, has tested positive
by a staff/student that he/she is either Covid positive or symptomatic the following applies:
The School Supervisor and EDHSU must be immediately alerted by the principal or designate.
The relevant sections of the Covid Data Reporting form must be completed by the Principal and the EDHSU accordingly. The completed Covid Data Reporting form and any documentation from the CMOH (e.g., Quarantine Order) must be forwarded by the EDHSU to the Education Health Officer (EHO). The Education House Officer (EHO) liaises with the Chief Education Officer who will advise on the closure of schools after consultation with the Executive of the Ministry of Education and on arrangements made for sanitation and reopening.
Information as required by the MOH for contact tracing must be provided. This involves the preparation of a list of names and contact information all affected students, staff and visitors who were within a 6ft. space with the affected individual for a minimum of 15 minutes.
All persons identified as contacts will be screened by the district nurse and the information submitted to the CMOH for assessment. Any persons contacted by the CMOH must adhere to quarantine orders.
The CMOH remains the only authority to issue a quarantine order.
If a staff member or student has been identified as a primary contact of a confirmed COVID-19 case, it is the obligation of the staff member or parent to inform the school principal and District Health Nurse immediately. The EDHSU will ensure the appropriate actions are carried out on review of each case and the evidence provided.
Screening Questions
To be used by School Personnel
Have you or anyone in your household experienced any of the following symptoms in the last fourteen (14) days?
Symptoms (Y/N)
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath (difficulty breathing)
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
Have you been in contact with anyone who is COVID-19 positive in the last fourteen (14) days? (Y/N)
Have you recently been on self-isolation or quarantine order? (Y/N)
If you answered YES to question three (3), do you possess an official document stating you are released from quarantine? (Y/N)
This must be verified with the EDHU District Medical Team prior to entry.
Does the school have up to date contact information for your parent/guardian or next of kin?
Should any person (staff or student) present with symptoms or signs of viral illness they would be barred from entering the school compound.
Parents are encouraged to help prepare children for the examination day by teaching them how to be responsible about the measures in place.
Wash your hands/ use personal hand sanitizer.
Wear your mask properly.
Maintain at least 3 ft distance from others.